339 Summerhouse Drive

Holly Ridge, NC 28445
Build your coastal cottage dream house on this unique lakefront site with no need for pilings nor flood insurance and with water views both in the back (Spicer Lake) and in front (Caroline Sanders pond and park)! Coupled with its location in the highly sought after, gated, amenity-rich Summerhouse community,Read MoreRead Less
Courtesy of Mark Kranich, Destination Realty Corporation
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Property Type
Residential Land
Lot Size
0.16 Acres
MLS Number
30 Days Snapshot Of 28445
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Property Access
Road Type/Frontage: Maintained, Paved, Private
Home Owner's Association
HOA: Yes, HOA Amenities: Basketball Court, Picnic Area, Trail(s), Tennis Court(s), Taxes, Street Lights, Sidewalk, RV/Boat Storage, Pool, Playground, Management, Maint - Roads, Maint - Comm Areas, Gated, Fitness Center, Clubhouse, Boat Dock
6,999 sqft lot, 0.16 total acre, Lot Description: Subdivision, Lot Water Features: Water Access Comm, Waterfront Comm, Topography: Cleared/Partial
Zoning: R-20, Waterview, Bldgs on Property: None, Soil Evaluation: Soil Evaluation - No
Tax Assessed Value: $70,000, Property Taxes: $697, City Tax Rate: 5717, Tax Year: 2023
Municipal Sewer Available, Municipal Water Available, Fuel Tank: None
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Sam Lynch
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